For many kids around the country, summer vacation is drawing to a close. This means getting ready to head back to the classroom by purchasing a new wardrobe, new school supplies, and finishing summer projects. Though it’s important for your little one to focus on having the best school year they can, that doesn’t mean that your work helping them maintain a healthy smile is over. Read on to learn five tips that will help your child keep their oral health in good standing and prevent dental emergencies as they prepare to head back to school.
Tip #1: Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Cavities commonly form when someone isn’t taking good care of their smile. though they may start off minor, they can become much worse if left untreated and may even result in losing the tooth. This is why practicing good oral hygiene is so important. Make sure to help your child learn about the importance of brushing twice per day for two minutes and flossing between their teeth every night before bed.
Tip #2: Replace Your Child’s Toothbrush
When was the last time you took a look at your child’s toothbrush? If the bristles appear to be frayed or otherwise damaged, this is a sign that it’s time to replace it. Frayed bristles are less effective at removing plaque and food particles from the teeth, which raises their risk of tooth decay. Toothbrushes should generally be replaced every three to four months. They should also be replaced after your child gets over an illness to prevent them from reinfecting themself.
Tip #3: Offer Healthy Foods
Though your little one may love the thought of having cookies and candy every day, be sure to give them a healthy breakfast and lunch. This will promote a healthy, happy smile. a few examples of tooth-approved foods you can give them include:
- Crisp, fresh fruits and veggies like apples, carrots, and celery sticks
- Low-fat or fat-free dairy products like cheese and yogurt
- Lean meats like turkey and chicken
Tip #4: Ask Your Child to Wear a Mouthguard
If your child plays a contact sport like soccer, football, or hockey at their school, there’s a high chance that they’ll fall or suffer an accidental blow to the face. This is why it’s important to get them a mouthguard to protect their teeth and other oral structures from harm. Though they can be purchased over-the-counter at many sports, drug, and grocery stores, many dentists also offer custom mouthguards.
Tip #5: Schedule a Back-to-School Checkup
If it’s been longer than six months since your child last visited their dentist, now is the time to schedule an appointment. During this visit, their teeth with be thoroughly cleaned and their mouth will be examined for oral health issues. This will allow your little one to go back to school with a happy, healthy, and bright smile.
The above tips are a great way to make the most of the back-to-school season. With a healthy, bright smile, your little one is sure to be the talk of the school for all the right reasons!
About the Author
Dr. Shannon Stokes is a native Texan who has worked tirelessly to make his dental office the place for you to receive the care you need for a healthy smile. With the help of his talented team, he offers the residents of Plano and the surrounding communities a range of exceptional services such as treatments to help children preparing to head back to school. For more information or to make an appointment, visit Dr. Stokes’ website or call (972) 596-0200.